
Thursday 19 November 2015

Planning - Risk assessment

Risks of filming at the NEC

I have carefully considered the risks of filming at comic con, in which I have given it a rating out of 5 in how risky it is and how it can be resolved;

1) Risk of stolen equipment, 4/5 (high risk). If this was to happen, it would result in a loss in footage and also loss in income for the equipment (around £700). This problem can be resolved by being cautious and aware of equipment, in which when it is not in use should be packed away and secured in a bag or rucksack, in which should be out of reach of potential pick pockets. 

2) Risk of leaving equipment on transport or losing equipment, 3/5 (moderate risk). If this was to happen,it would result in a loss in all my footage meaning it would significantly lower my A level grade. This problem can be resolved by being as cautious as I can be with the equipment and give it to someone else to look after if I am in need to do other tasks.
3) Risk of the event of a fire, 1/5 (minimal risk). Being in an enclosed area with lots of people can mean in the event of a fire, it may take longer to escape. To prevent this, I will make sure that I am aware of the fire exits at all times and have a planned escape route if necessary.

4) Risk of getting lost 3/5 (moderate risk). Getting lost in a big venue like the NEC would mean my filming schedule would be off track and is dangerous and applies to everyone in in the group I am attending comic con with especially for vulnerable youths under the aged of 18. To prevent this from happening, the NEC has maps and directions as well as information desks located near the halls. I can also arrange a meeting point with the group should any one of us get lost at any point.

5) Risk of traveling on trains, 2/5 (very low risk). Travelling on trains can be quite unsafe if safety isn't taken seriously. The trains travel at high speeds, so its important to remember to keep a distance from the platform and the railway tracks as there is a potential risk of falling onto the tracks. It is also important when traveling on trains to be prepared for an emergency incident, such as fire breakout or emergency stopping on the train. To prevent injury in this incident, I will make myself aware of emergency exits as well as tools to alert the driver in such case of an emergency incident e.g. emergency brake.

6) Risk of medical incident at comic con, 2/5 (very low risk). In a big crowded event, it can be quite overwhelming in which could lead to panic attacks, fainting or worse in severe cases. To prevent this from happening, I will keep hydrated and eat when necessary, as well as bring excess water and a first aid kit in the event of an incident. I will also keep my mobile phone at close hand should an emergency arise and an the emergency services are needed to be contacted.

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